Saturday, October 11, 2014

Finally, I rest on my laurels

Scared of death all my life, for the first time I have geared up the courage to face it and accept it from the front. I have learned to believe that souls never die. They just shed their adult body to move on to another lifetime, which we call death.

 Our life is much more than just living. We learn to be patient, to trust, to forgive, to love, to accept, to shed off jealousy, disbelief, resistance, lust and greed and finally cleanse our souls in the 'space between lives'...

 ...A knowledge as profound as it can be and more than that. 

 My anxieties, panic attacks and fear have finally started to cease. The new insight into life and lifetimes helped me stand my ground, though bruised nad battered at times, but triumphant always!

Today I can forgive all of them who have hurt, sometimes beyond my limits of endurance too. I can be patient when things go downhill. I can love unconditionally.

And most significantly, I am not disquieted by death anymore.

I knew it to be the biggest truth of life but found it hard-bitten to accept.

 But not anymore. I am not hard up any longer for courage and vigour. I know the key.

ROOTLESS: The man who traded his soul

Meandering clouds, undulating-
Through a streamlined city.
Hive of memories, packed tight-
Caught in a web.
Scarred and shrivelled clouds, long unattended guests-
In your muddy lungs that stink.
An enticing river, moaning-
Within your brain, a host of angels.
A monstrous armour, camouflage-
Swallows up
The existence of your soul.
Cradled in evil, a visionary pauper
Smokes up
An avalanche of dreams.