Friday, May 11, 2012


The seven shades of the rainbow,
The seven latent deadly sins,
The seven transcendental stars of the Great Bear,
-         The three pillars of mankind:


Monday, April 2, 2012

Haiku 4

      You sleep with a smile

      I pluck the morning flowers

      To say goodbye.

Haiku 3

                    They say ‘Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder’.

                Beauty , the fortune of the blind

                For beauty is elusive to the eyes that feast on material pleasures.

Haiku 2

                  You dream of building an ocean          

                I remain content

                By diluting myself in a drop of water.

Haiku 1

                                               When I prepare to sleep

                The wolves and vultures awake

                In me.


Saturday, March 17, 2012


A small and dingy room.
Clothes stacked up on the lone bed placed against the wall.
The only window,
 Bordering the bed,
Kept closed
Firmly enough to eschew any light from piercing inside.
Trespassers prohibited.
A frail old man seated at the edge of the bed
facing the neatly placed coffin on the floor
and its owner beside: his 27 year old daughter.
Conscientiously, she unscrewed the coffin
While her father kept staring,

She silently placed the cover aside
On the floor
And turned her gaze to look indoors:
A stone-studded necklace
Resting on the bosom
Of the blood-and-flesh-liberated skeleton!
The red pendant dazzled and blinded the unvoiced spectators.
The drooping and sagging old man asked:
‘Do you need my help?’
‘No’, she said,
‘I’ll bear the yoke of my remnants;
I’ll have to bear my own cross, Father!’

Out of the room
Into the dense woods,
A young feminine frame kept under her own steam
Digging the soil beneath
With the bones of her own carcass
Hanging from her shoulders…

Thursday, January 5, 2012


Amidst troubling days and disturbing nights
Black Hole permeates in me.


We are concurred in a web of intertwining events.
Vice and Virtue.
Good and Evil.
Love and Hatred.
Peace and Chaos.
Sinner and Saint.
Eluded by the Night and restrained by the Day.

Blackness conceals,
Brightness conceives.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Plunge into your Dreams....

Plunge into your dreams and grab them by their neck. Twist their roots till they rip off and come in your grip. Stop them from haunting you, luring you. Make them your own before they turn into your deadliest nightmares. Play with their folly and exploit their righteousness before the flibbertigibbets take a toll on your life. And “when the virtue has slept, it will arise the more refreshed”, to dig you out of your slumber, to refine upon your livid and dreary soul!